Not getting the latest news on your friends and fellow classmates?
That's because we don't have your correct email address to email you the newsletter or we don't have your email address at all. If you want to be included in this fun way to stay connected, send your email address or someone else's email address who can pass the newsletter on to you, to Janet Kilgard Barbour barj22@yahoo.com or Wayne Peck wpeck@msn.com. Or, call Janet at (321) 213-1893 or Wayne at (321) 917-4565. (P.S we have emailed 11 news issues over a the last 2 years)
“Cavalier Lunch Bunch” Monthly CGHS alumni luncheon meetings.
The “Cavalier Lunch Bunch” meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at a variety of restaurants all over Central Florida. This informal group consists of CGHS classmates from the 50’s through the 70’s and all former CGHS classmates are welcome. Contact Sue Aiken Smith (class of ’58) at winterparksue@yahoo.com or call her at (352) 753-4050 for times and locations. The group has been meeting about 10 years and has a roster of slightly over 350 and has a monthly luncheon attendance of 30 to 45. Contact Sue if you would like your name added to the roster.
Coral Gables Senior High School CLASS OF 1958